Take a look at this list
· Fear of not being good enough
· Fear of not being perfect
· Fear of getting it wrong
· Fear of failure
· Fear of rejection
· Fear of not having enough time
· Fear of judgement
· Fear of not saying the right thing
· Fear of speaking up
· Fear of letting go
· Fear that others can’t do a good enough job.
· Fear of not having enough time
· Fear of not having enough money
This is what stops most people from living a life that they really want, working in a job / business that they really love, taking holidays, spending more time with loved ones.
What is your underlying fear(s) that is stopping you from moving forward? It may be the whole list. It may be a combination of some of them.
You may have heard the acronym for F.E.A.R – False Evidence Appearing Real.
What motivates you to override this mindset? Most people are unaware of how their mindset is affecting their life and that they have a choice to override their fears.
The opposite of fear is faith. It is learning to move from worry, doubt into possibilities, solutions and other scenarios that could be possible.
I can speak from my own personal experience and helping numerous clients override these limitations. I stayed in a job for 15 years when really I was only going to be there for 3 or 4 years. It was easier to stay I told myself. I was a workaholic. The job was secure etc. I was held back by fear of getting it wrong and not being good enough.
I shared in a recent Linked In article the following :
“Can you switch off ??
Do you take holidays? ✈️ 🏖
How much time do you want to work ? ⏰
These are good questions to ask yourself. The majority of us have been conditioned to work 5-7 days a week for 40 years saving for when we retire so that we can start living our life.
This is no way to really live. I remember hearing the phrase “If your business needs you you don’t have a business you have a job”
Think about the fears that may be underlying what is happening in your life:
Are you working long hours?
Do you do things yourself instead of delegating to staff?
Do you worry where your customers/clients are coming from?
Are you feeling guilty for working and not being at home with the family?
Are there things that you are putting off doing?
Are you staying in a job or business that you aren’t enjoying any more?
What causes you to procrastinate and avoid doing tasks?
Everything we believe is true. If you are believing your fears you are limiting yourself and the opportunities available to you.
Business is 95%Mindset 5% Strategy. Get your mindset right and watch your strategy fall into place. If you haven’t got the right mindset it won’t matter how good your business plan or strategic plan is.
What fear can you turn around that will have a big impact in your life moving forward?
#productivity #gettingthingsdone #personaldevelopment #rachaeldownie