EDR, the new business protection after traditional Anti-Virus

By Kerry Johnson
Business Solution & Technology Specialist

Business security and threat management is becoming increasingly important for business. No, anti-virus is not enough! Learn about new trends in threat security and what are now considered minimum requirements.

Managed Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), the best way to managed today’s security threats

Security used to be easier. You installed antivirus (AV) solutions, trained employees not to click on unknown links, and kept software and websites up to date.

AV solutions have done a great job of helping to keep small and medium sized businesses (SMB’s) safe for many years. However, the threat patterns are changing, and SMB’s need a different type of protection to combat these increasingly sophisticated and severe attacks.

Here’s why: Traditional AV solutions rely on signatures (think of a digital fingerprint) to detect threats, but the latest threats don’t use signatures and can slip through and enter your companies networks undetected.

Here are a few examples of some of the risks we’re seeing in the marketplace:

·        Weaponised documents that may seem like harmless PDF attachments in your emails but execute attacks once they enter your networks

·        Fileless threats that don’t require downloads, but execute from memory, making them difficult to identify

·        Zero-day threats that find an unknown computer vulnerability and exploit it before software or hardware providers can issue updates

·        Ransomware attacks which can disable IT networks as cyber attackers demand huge ransoms to restore data and services

Introduce Managed Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR for short)

The EDR stands as a heavily armed sentinel at the gates of your network, preventing attacks in a way standard virus software can’t. And it also gives you a do-over capability if one of your employees unwittingly clicks on one of those tricky fake attachments that look incredibly realistic.

The Managed Endpoint and Detection and Response System:

●       Can restore any infected device to its pre-threat state with one click — rendering ransomware attackers completely powerless

●       Uses artificial intelligence (AI) to detect and prevent both current and emerging threats, with continual updates to the platform

●       Monitor processes before, during and after execution, to prevent new threats from slipping in

●       Maintains device speed — because it protects without long, laggy scan processes that can render employees completely unproductive for hours at a time

●       Forgoes the traditional anti-virus updating process that can leave gaps in your protection — with real-time system monitoring

 Do yourself and your business a favour by ensuring you keep your business security at the highest level and avoid the costly downtime and disruption of viruses and threats. EDR is your new protection.

 This is an article for Business Blindspots Tasmania. To ensure you receive our regular updates from expert business advisers across a range of areas follow our  LinkedIn group.

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