Doing small things in a great way

By Rachael Downie
Business Success Mentor

Have you ever fallen into the trap of telling yourself that you are just so “busy”?

Have you noticed that nowadays we are greeting one another with, “How are you?”, and the response is “I’m busy”.

Running around with long lists of all the things that you have to get done and never enough time to do it all in. 

Are you aware of how you are feeling when this happens? 

The tenseness in the body, the rushing mentality, heightened energy and constriction of shoulders and muscles and sometimes complete overwhelm.

You can spend a lot of your life being in this “busy” mode, telling yourself how productive you are. When actually you are being the complete opposite and not really connecting with life, with those around you, at work or at home. You may be spending a lot of time in that heightened state of rush. This can impact not only yourself but everyone around you

If this is you and this is resonating read on. If you know someone like this please share it with them 

“Do, every day, ALL that can be done that day.

There is, however, a limitation or qualification of the above that you must take into account.

You are not to overwork, nor to rush blindly into your work or business in the effort to do the greatest possible number of things in the shortest possible time

You are not to try to do tomorrows work today, nor to do a week’s work in a day

It is really not the number of things you do, but the efficiency of each separate action that counts.

Every act is, in itself, either a success or a failure.

Every act is in itself, either effective or inefficient.

Every inefficient act is a failure, and if you spend your life in doing inefficient acts, your whole life will be a failure

The more things you do, the worse for you, if all your acts are inefficient ones.

On the other hand, if every efficient act is a success in itself, and if every act of your life is an efficient one, your whole life must be a success.” Earl Nightingale

The cause of failure is doing too many things in an inefficient manner, and not doing enough things in an efficient manner. 

This is really simple stuff, but quite often we overlook it because it is so simple. When you are operating at a rate of 50 knots you don’t take the ‘time’ to shift your perception, look at things in a different way or even change your way of operating. Much of the time you may be operating in survival or reaction mode. You want to get out ahead of things and be proactive.

What can you do today that you focus your attention totally on, to be efficient, in a calm relaxed manner. 

Do this in all your acts today. Do small things in a great way

Rachael Downie “Mindshift for your Success”

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