In part three of this series of DISC Profiling (accessed here), I provided an insight into the Dominant (D-Style). D-styles are dominant and driven individuals who thrive by shaking up the environment and overcoming opposition to get results. They make things happen in the world.
Today is all about the Influencer (and won’t they be pleased to hear that?!)
The fast paced people-oriented “I’s” are extroverted and outgoing, and people-oriented.
They tend to be inspiring, impressionable, interactive, impressive and involved. They are typically vocal and animated. They like to engage others in conversation. They often energise others and are usually popular because of their social skills and charm.
They like to interact with others and meet new people. They do not like to focus on details, or spend a lot of time by themselves. Others tend to perceive I-styles as very friendly, enthusiastic and animated.
I-styles are the influencing and interactive individuals who shake up their environment by bringing others into alliance with one another. They know what they want, align everyone together to get it done, and want everyone to like them as they move forward. Social acceptance is very important for I-styles – they like to be liked.
For example, words such as “talkative” and “open” can be viewed as somewhat negative adjectives by individuals who are not I-styles. However, strong I-styles are actually very comfortable with these adjectives.
In fact, they may be quite proud that they possess these behavioural traits.
People who have both Outgoing and People-oriented traits often exhibit INSPIRING and INTERACTIVE behaviours.
They usually focus on interacting with people, having fun, and/or creating excitement.
People with the I-style place an emphasis on shaping the environment by influencing or persuading others.
Will need to expend more energy to:
When communicating with the I style individual, share your experiences, allow the I style person time to ask questions and talk themselves, focus on the positives, avoid overloading them with details, and don’t interrupt them
Remember, DISC is an awareness tool. For self and those around you. Effective communicators are incredibly influential and successful in everything they do. If you believe you are an Influencer or work with an Influencer, this article provides insight into what to identify and how to adjust to become more effective in your communication.
Next up… the STEADY! Stay tuned for Part Five in this DISC Profile series to learn more about how to identify and communicate with the Reserved and People-Focused individuals in our team.